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Author: AppStore Reviewer // Category:
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[REVIEW] Pocket God

Author: AppStore Reviewer // Category:
Hello my fellow viewers, here is a quick review for the application Pocket God by Bolt Creative at a cheap price of just $0.99- by yours truly, AppStore Reviewer. (this review was originally made under my other name negamaki at an iPod forum I belong to- so I'm just copying it here)


The gameplay for Pocket God is quite simple.. You are the supreme ruler of a mini island of quirky pygmies which can be spawned by pressing the + sign at the top left corner of the screen (at the moment you can have a maximum of 6 pygmies on your island at once). In this sandbox style game you can control the little pygmies' lives by interacting with them. You can pick them up with your finger and fling them around however you please. Sadly though, now matter how high you toss them from there is no impact other than them getting dizzy as they collide with the ground. In the most recent update (supposedly Bolt Creative said they would regularly release new features about once a week for a few weeks/ the next update will be the ability to use lightning) you can cause earthquakes by shaking your iPod. Another cool feature that was recently implemented is the ability to use the accelerometer to control the gravity. For example, if you tilt your iPod upside down the pygmies cling upside down onto the island for dear life. If you swipe your finger up from the bottom of the screen, you can smack your pygmy into oblivion (or even into the volcano if you aim it right) which I find endlessly amusing. 

This game has very good and cartoonish style graphics. The visuals are pleasing and the cute and random pygmy faces add to the overall humor of the game. 

The music and sound effects are very appealing- from the tiki jungle music to the splash of the water as a pygmy is flailing helplessly because he can't swim (which sounds cruel but is quite funny). 

Overall, Pocket God is a very fun and enjoyable game that will keep you occupied for quite a while. Even though there isn't many features and options as of yet, the game is constantly being updated with new things to experiment with. For a dollar it's a very reasonable price considering the high quality of the game. If you're into sandbox games where you can do basically whatever you want, then this is definitely the game for you. 


Buy it here: http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/M...301387274&mt=8


Author: AppStore Reviewer // Category:
Hello, my name is Matt and in this blog I will be showcasing application reviews for some apps from the AppStore.